Improve your health and fitness as a driver?
Julie is the Health and Wellness Manager for St. Christopher Fund.
Hope Zvara is a movement and lifestyle expert, speaker, CEO of Mother Trucker Yoga, and the creator of STIFF Mother Trucker Pain Relief Cream.
Each week we will focus on one topic allowing you to build momentum in that one area.
This challenge is different than other challenges in that we are not here to find the “fittest trucker,” nor are we telling you to work out every day, when we know that isn’t realistic for most drivers and, quite honestly, not the road to long-lasting healthy changes in your life.
Being fit is about “fitting” health and fitness into your life. And we are here to show you how to do that.
“I started my weight loss journey in May of 2020. When I thought of weight loss, I figured cutting my calories would be sufficient, but I never really put much thought into the whole picture of becoming healthier. So when I was given the information about the Driven to be Healthy Challenge, I figured it couldn’t hurt to sign up and see what I might be missing. Hope and Julie not only made the recommendations of key components to help make that change, but they also explained the why’s of the recommendations they made. The month-long challenge taught me life-long changes that I can use moving forward with my goals and has made a huge difference in how I think and feel. If you are struggling with how to go about making the changes to start living a healthier lifestyle, I would highly recommend you participate in one of these challenges. This group is a great support system to have on your side. Thank you, Hope and Julie!!”
– Rachel Hutchison
We are more focused on your consistency over time than you just being challenged to do something new for a few days and then nothing after.
Our Facebook group Accelerate Your Health with Mother Trucker Yoga is where the videos will be live each day and where drivers will post comments, ask questions, and post progress. Simply joining the group will not make you eligible to win any of the prizes. You must also fill out the registration form.
Once you sign up using our form on this page, you will receive an email as it gets closer to our challenge beginning with details on how to get started!