Can we say sit-ups SUCK! I mean, they DON’T work, and they AREN’T effective. So unless you are a mechanic and you spend all your time on your back, it’s time your core fitness gets up off the floor.
And even after all those sit-ups, people just like you are still struggling with things like back pain, incontinence (ahem peeing your pants), and troubles with lower belly toning and overall core strength.
From personal trainers to fitness instructors, yoga teachers, and even physical therapists, these teachers are still defaulting to traditional core strengthening exercises, and I’m here to tell you there is a better way.
During a certification on women’s pelvic floor health, one of the physical therapists noted that they had only one class on pelvic floor health and that none of what we learned in that course was taught through their college degree. So it’s time we update how we look at the human body, and let’s start by how we look at and move with our core.