
Travel Fitness: How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep As A Trucker

Expert truck drivers must master the skill of sleeping in the cab of their rig. Finding a way to sleep while your teammate is behind the wheel or in a parking lot full of loud, idling semi-trucks might be challenging.


Check out these truck driver sleeping strategies if you’re having trouble getting the recommended seven or more hours of sleep every night while on the road.

 Travel Fitness: How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep As A Trucker

Eat Smaller Meals 

Having worked hard all day, driving for many hours, you may feel like indulging in a substantial dinner as a reward. While this sounds like a great idea, and this kind of food will be easy to find at a truck stop, for example, it’s not the best if you want to get to sleep, stay asleep, and sleep for as long as you need. That’s because greasy, fatty foods take longer to digest; therefore, if your body is still working hard, it will be more challenging to sleep. 


If you desperately want a more unhealthy meal, make it your lunchtime. For dinner, it’s better to have vegetables and protein instead. Not only will you sleep better, but it will also help you be generally healthier. 

Have A Comfortable Place To Sleep

One of our best truck driver sleeping recommendations is to ensure that your bed is a relaxing sanctuary where you can unwind after a long day on the road. The double or single bunk in your sleeper cab can seem more like home with the addition of a high-quality mattress topper, a warm sleeping bag or sheets, a familiar blanket, and a comfortable pillow.


The more comfortable you can make the bed you’re sleeping in, the better you’ll sleep. So although you might not consider it a real bed or think too much about it when you’re not in it, investing in some good bedding and as much comfort as possible is a good idea. It really will make a difference. Be it at home or on the road. A mattress seems like an expense you don’t need right now. But so are medical bills for aches and pains that could have been avoided. Travel fitness and how to get a good night’s sleep as a trucker isn’t a joke sleep is critical to our overall health and is one of the top issues affecting the overall health that ages us. 

Have Time To Unwind 

One of the issues for truck drivers is their schedules. There isn’t much time to get enough rest sometimes, depending on where they have to go and when they need to be there. However, even if your timings are pretty tight, you must still get enough sleep and, on top of that, schedule some relaxation before you sleep. This could be just an extra 30 minutes, but it is necessary for good sleep. 


If you go straight from the road to dinner to bed, your mind won’t have time to settle, and you’ll find it hard to sleep because your thoughts will still be whirling. This is why you need a little time to do something to relax you. This might be reading, listening to music, going for a walk, or enjoying Delta 9 Gummies, for example (although remember, you must not drive and have gummies simultaneously, and every driver should have a conversation with their employer before ingesting CBD regardless). 

Listen To Something Soothing

You can do anything that relaxes you, but it’s best to stay away from screens. The blue light they emit can make it even harder to fall asleep. 

Sleep is essential for all drivers to put their best foot forward as professional drivers when it comes to travel fitness how to get a good night’s sleep as a driver, don’t forget to check out Mother Trucker Yoga’s meditations to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer so you can get that REM Zzzzz.

5-5-5 Breath Simple Meditation for travel fitness how to get a good night’s sleep as a trucker AUDIO SLEEP TRACK!

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7 Rules of Life to Stay Positive

7 Rules of life to stay positive and focused on what matters.

Sometimes we need to stop and remember what’s important. Now I know that seems a bit cliche, but when we…
We can then see life in an entirely different light. And that can mean new opportunities. New friendships, and new efforts put forward. And as a result, we are more positive towards life and what comes our way.
To all our friends out there… It’s about the little things, and the small mental shifts we can make today to help us make better choices and decisions tomorrow!
What is your favorite out of our list here?

Mother Trucker Yoga’s 7 Rules to Life to Stay Positve:

Mother Trucker yoga 7 rules for life blog post

1. Make peace with your past so it won’t disturb your future.

You are the only one holding onto your past with a tightly clenched fist. Loosen your grip, you might be surprised at what happens when you do. By holding onto the past you never get the opportunity to be present which is the real gift.

2. What other people think of you is none of your business.

It can be easy to get consumed with what others thing. But opinions are like a$$ holes, everyone has one and nothing good ever really comes out of them (insert humor). My point, what others think of you doesn’t matter. Most people’s opinions of others or life is a pure reflection of them and how they think of themselves. So focus on you, my friend.

3. The only person in charge of your happiness is you.

We can look to others for inspiration, for support even for ideas or help. But you are the only person who gets to decide your level of happiness. And much of that is determined on how you look at life and yourself in it. It’s what Carol Dweck calls a fixed mindset vs. a growth mindset. If you always tell yourself you will never be happy, then you will never be happy. If you always say you can’t be healthy or fit when you are a truck driver, then you will never be a health and fit truck driver. If you say you are not good at math, then you will never be good at math. If you want to be happy, then choose to be happy. 

4. Don’t compare your life to others. Comparison is the thief of joy.

I believe that we walk one path, and it’s when we try to hop over to everyone else’s and walk theirs too that we get stressed out, we strikeout, and feel left out. Other people’s lives are theirs to live. Yours is yours. And when we compare we rob ourselves of all the progress and uniqueness we have to offer the world. You don’t know their past, their struggles, or what they had to do step by step to get where they are. So keep your eyes on your own path. Look out for help and encouragement, but not to judge yourself or your progress. 

5. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.

It is true, time does heal(s) (almost) all wounds. My advice, stop looking at the wound. Look up and see there is a lot of other life to be lived. When my daughter died, I was crushed, frozen, and empty inside. But there did come a point where I had to look up and keep moving forward for her. And in time, the wound of her loss began to heal, it’s still there, but now I have chosen to do something different with it. You can do that too.

6. Stop thinking so much. It’s alright not to know all the answers.

It is my experience that we as a culture like to overthink things. Overanalyze things. But thinking too much leads to a lack of action and a lack of useable solutions. There comes a point where we must stop out of our heads and into the field and give it a try. Move even blindly at times, but the results of that will always be far greater than only having thought about it. Because now you know. 

7. Smile. You don’t own all the problems in the world.

No one ever said you have to carry everyone else’s problems on your shoulders. Smile. Smile often. For one entire day, smile at everyone you see, everyone you meet. And see how different you see the world. But even more, see the ripple effect you can do for someone else who may also be feeling the need to carry things that aren’t theirs to carry. 
These are just seven ideas to help you see life a little differently. It’s easy to be bombarded by the media. To be overwhelmed with everything that is going wrong that we forget to look out and see what is going right. The voices in my head like to keep me stuck, unhappy, and overwhelmed. But over time I have learned to stop listening, or at least drown them out. I suggest you consider doing the same. I am positive you will see more good, more smiles, and more opportunities in life than you did before.

What are other life tips you have that you’d like to share?


Feeling motivated to move more? Looking to stay positive in life? Check out Mother Trucker Yoga blog post on travel exercise.