
6 Things That Are So Important for Your Wellbeing

6 Things That are So Important for Your Wellbeing Blog Mother Trucker Yoga

We all want to be well, and we all do our best to be well, but the fact is, many of us are not well in one way or another.


Obviously, some factors affect our wellness that we cannot change, things like illnesses and disease, some aspects of our job, but on the flip side, there are lots of positive actions we can take to boost our well-being.


6  Key Things That Are So Important For Your Wellbeing:


  1. Getting enough sleep


If you don’t get enough sleep, your body doesn’t get enough time to repair itself, which means you will wake up feeling tired, headachy, lacking in energy, and possibly even depressed. A lack of sleep has also been shown to increase your likelihood of gaining weight, having a heart attack, and suffering from mental health issues, so if you aren’t already, make sleep a priority in your life. Sleep is just one of the 12 topics Your Wellness Pitstop Program with Mother Trucker Yoga covers. 


  1. Self-compassion


When it comes to mental wellbeing, one of the most important things you can do is show yourself compassion. Doing so will help to stop feelings of guilt, anger, and sadness in their tracks. If you don’t know how to offer yourself compassion, this article on empathy vs. compassion may be helpful, as may reading Radical Compassion by Yogi and therapist Tara Brach. Read up and start practicing so you can stop ruminating and start living a happier, healthier life. 


  1. Eating clean and healthy.


This is pretty much a no-brainer, but the healthier and more natural your food, the more nutrients you will receive and the healthier you will be as a result.


6 Things That are So Important for Your Wellbeing Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Eating Clean


  1. Moving your body


Whether practicing yoga (particularly practicing yoga because it is good for the mind and the body), hitting the gym, or going for a run, moving your body every day is so important for your wellbeing. Not only will it help you to stay in good shape, but it can also help you eliminate stress and get those positive endorphins flowing to boost your mood too. Join the movement and join other drivers just like you inside Mother Trucker Yoga’s membership site full of videos, audios, and strategies to help you feel good again. 

6 Things that are so important to your wellbeing mother trucker yoga blog truckers subscription blog

  1. Spending some time in the sun


Spending time in the sun helps your body produce vitamin D, which is great for boosting mood and helping you to maintain healthy bones, amongst other things. Natural light has also been shown to be a great stress relief booster, and if you spend time out in nature, well, you could lower your blood pressure, decrease your risk of depression and have an easier time getting to sleep at night, too – it’s a great wellbeing all-rounder.


  1. Spend time with people you love


Humans need connection, which is why spending as much time as you can with people who love you and who bring joy to your life is one of the simplest and most effective wellbeing practices there is. It’s just so good for you.


There’s certainly more to good wellbeing than the six things alone, but there is no denying that adding the above to your routine will make you feel better, happier, and healthier all around.

Stress Management: HowTo Do Deep Abdominal Breathing

Stress Management: How to Do Deep Abdominal Breathing

Breathing is one of those things we all do, yet we rarely think about it; when a system like the respiratory works without us having to think about it or make it happen, it’s called “involuntary.” The respiratory system has the unique ability to work all on its own without our help, unlike the muscular system, which works voluntarily.

When we breathe, we get this precious gift called life. We can survive 21 days without food, seven days without water but can only go one to three minutes without oxygen. And at the 60-second mark, brain cells are already dying. Yet after 20 years of teaching yoga (Mother Trucker Yoga’s Membership) to others, there is one thing I have come to find, many do not like to breathe. I would often notice few would appreciate the art of breathing practices (pranayama) in yoga. You could see people start to fidget, become distracted, and even get annoyed at the idea that they weren’t “doing anything” during their yoga class. Yet without the ability to breathe, nothing on the yoga mat would even be possible. 

Mother Trucker Yoga Audio Bundle

Breathing is a tool. Those that learn to harness the device and tap into its vast abilities to improve, help and even heal the body get to reap the benefits of increased vitality, health, and happiness. But time and time again, I have observed others choose pills, alcohol, and even violence to manage what we all call stress or our emotions rather than tap into this tool we are all born with and have access to us at any given time. 

Stress can alter just about any system in the body if we allow it to. 

Stress management sign mother trucker yoga blog

Stress can:

  • Raise our blood pressure
  • Increase our heart rate
  • Increase our body temperature
  • Leave us in physical pain
  • Can decrease our immune system
  • Give us stomach discomfort
  • Make it difficult to sleep
  • Can affect your libido 
  • Tense your muscles 
  • Cause weight gain 
  • Burden your nervous system
  • Leave shallow breathing

When is the last time you felt the effects of any of the above and thought you should practice deep breathing? 

When my oldest son was small, and he’d get stressed out, the first thing I would have him do is deep breathing. Three deep breaths, I’d say, and we’d do them together. He’s now nearly a teenager, and I have observed him repeatedly defaulting to deep breathing when he is stressed, angry, frustrated, or can’t sleep. He automatically uses this incredible tool we all walk around with every day but rarely tap use voluntarily. 

The average American breathes with less than 18% of their lung capacity. That’s what I like to call clavicle breathing. It’s no wonder we are a stressed-out, upset, unhealthy out of touch society. I say these are the very things I have felt before yoga and learning how to tap into my breathing. And the same things I think when I’m not in my body, using my breathing, and feeling grounded in my skin. 

How do we breathe?

The average person takes about ten breaths per minute; that’s an average of 22,000-24,000 breaths per day. That’s a lot of breathing. And when we breathe, we inhale necessary oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide and toxins that our body wants to remove. When we breathe, our lungs expand and take in air, and our diaphragm lowers and expands as well, taking in oxygen to then be distributed out to the millions of cells throughout our body that need that fresh oxygen to live. 

Dr. James Hoyt, a pulmonologist, says, “Our respiratory muscles don’t have the luxury of being out of shape.” Yet how many people can say with certainty that they use them, work them, build them like their bicep regularly? There is a saying, “use it or lose it,” and it fits here with our breathing. 

 A recent study in the Journal of Neurophysiology may support this, revealing that several brain regions linked to emotion, attention, and body awareness are activated when we pay attention to our breath.

And, also nearly every system in the body is connected to our respiratory system or breathing. 

  • Our metabolism increases when we practice deep breathing.
  • Our autonomic nervous system regulates when we deep breathe.
  • Our digestion can settle and improve when deep breathing.
  • Our muscles relax and get total oxygen, helping them not to cramp.
  • Our lymphatic systems become stimulated, hand and hand, with our immune system, both stimulated when we breathe.
  • Our body is fully oxygenated when we deep breathe.

And one of our deep breathing’s most impressive features is that it stimulates our vegas nerve. 

What is the vagus nerve?

The vagus nerve is the longest of the cranial nerves, extending from the brainstem to the abdomen through multiple organs, including the heart, esophagus, and lungs. It controls the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which contains your relaxation response. Most people never breathe deep enough to stimulate this impressive nerve. We need the vagus nerve to be alive and working because the vagus nerve controls your mood, heart rate, digestion, and immune response. Stimulating your vagus nerve can help to regulate many functions in your body.

Vagus nerve stimulation has been linked to treating epilepsy, improving digestive conditions, reducing inflammation, and managing anxiety disorders. The journal Frontiers in Neuroscience reported in 2018 that the poor function of the vagus nerve could lead to mood and anxiety disorders. But most importantly, when you stimulate the vagus nerve, you can reduce anxiety, stress, and mood disorders. All of this can happen when you learn to breathe more deeply and more often. 


Where does your breathing fall?

Clavicle Breathers: Those that breathe only into the upper chest, throat, and shoulders. These breathers often have lifted shoulders and a tense neck. 

Chest Breathers: Those that breathe into the center of the chest. 

Abdominal Breathers: Those that breathe deep into the belly and feel their lungs and abdomen expand freely. 

We have forgotten our unique ability to help and heal ourselves. When you were a baby, no one had to tell you how to breathe, yet there you were, breathing so deeply that your entire torso was expanding and contracting every breath you took. I have listened and watched my children as infants, and now adolescents get upset and even cry only to default to their breathing to calm them down. It’s in you; you have done it; you have just forgotten how to do it. 

Deep Abdominal Breathing Technique:

  1. Sitting tall or lying down comfortably, place one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart/chest. 
  2. Exhale completely through your mouth and hear your breath move out of your body. 
  3. Inhale through your nose and move your breath deeply into your lower hand (belly) and feel it expand. Continue to move your breath up to notice your upper hand (chest) rise. 
  4. Exhale slowly move the air out, feeling your belly collapse and your chest lower (in any order). 
  5. Soften your jaw and relax your body, focus on fully emptying your belly when you exhale and fully expanding when you inhale. 
  6. Work yourself up towards a count of four counts on the inhale and eight on the exhale. 
  7. Repeat this for two to five minutes. 
  8. Anytime your mind wanders, bring it back to your breathing. 
  9. Allow yourself to hear your breath each time you inhale and exhale. 

How to do deep abdominal breathing

Continue this practice daily in the morning to wake up, when you are feeling stressed, waiting in traffic (minus the hands-on your body), or before you go to sleep to help you relax. 

You have tools to help you breathe, relax, fall asleep. The real question is, are you using them? 

Deep Abdominal Breathing Benefits:

 Various deep abdominal breathing forms have been linked to cardiovascular benefits, including increased blood flow and improved blood pressure. Deep breathing is also a helpful tool for relaxation and sleep. Taking deep breaths can also help you manage stress and improve cognitive function like brain fog and lack of focus and concentration.

If every tool you are reaching for is outside of yourself, let me ask you, have you tried the tools you were born with? The tools you were given and are the very tools that make this life possible? The tool I am talking about is your breathing. 

Try This:

For one week, practice deep abdominal breathing at least one time a day. Work to practice it at the same time each day. Set the alarm on your phone or in your calendar and make it a priority. All too often, we say something doesn’t work or help, and we have never really tried it, let alone given it the attention required to see results. 

After seven days, come back and let us know how you did. What changed, what you noticed or found. 

Now take a deep breath and start living! 




Top 3 Trucker Injuries: And How To Avoid Them

top 3 trucker injuries mother trucker yoga blog image

Photo by Seb Creativo on Unsplash

Top 3 Trucker Injuries: And How To Avoid Them

There are many benefits to working as a long-haul driver (or trucker). However, the nature of the work sometimes means that you are susceptible to specific injuries, which, if not treated appropriately, could mean you have to take a lot of time off work. Not only could this lose you money, it means you won’t be able to get behind the wheel and do what you love for a little while. Top 3 Trucker Injuries

With that in mind, here are the most common injuries that truckers have to deal with.

1: Sprains

Whether you are regularly lifting heavy cargo or attempt to do a two-person job alone, it’s relatively easy to sprain your wrist. However, a sprain can be incredibly painful, and if left untreated, can cause severe damage to your wrist/hand.

2: Back/Neck pain

Spending lots of hours behind the wheel, combined with poor posture, can lead to many back and neck injuries, which can quickly worsen over time.

3: Repetitive Stress Injuries

Repetitive stress injuries are caused when you repeat the same task over and over again. For example, you could get an RSI through how you hold the steering wheel or by sitting in the same position for too long. This can lead to painful swelling and inflammation.

However, there are several steps you can take to minimize the risk of injury moving forward – keeping you happy, healthy, and behind the wheel!

This includes:

Participating in Yoga. Yoga is a great way to remove any tension in your body and is also a great way to unwind after an incredibly stressful day. It can also help you recover from an injury and relieve the pain you may be holding in your neck, back, or shoulders.

Visit a chiropractor. There are numerous different ways in which you can take better care of your body – many of which can help you recover from injuries quicker or reduce the chances of getting injured in the first place. For example, you could arrange a visit with a chiropractor. When you visit a Chiropractor, you can treat injuries in your neck, back, and shoulder muscles, alongside reducing inflammation in your body. 


Working out. In addition to yoga, you should ensure that you include plenty of exercise into your routine. This is a great way to ensure that you spend time outdoors and positively impact your physical and mental health. Whether you work out with others or alone, you should spend at least 30 minutes a day exercising. 


Practice good posture. As mentioned previously, many of the above injuries are caused a result of poor posture. Therefore, you should work on improving your posture wherever possible. When sat in a truck, you should ensure that you have appropriate lumbar support and that your knees rest lower than your hips. You can find more guidance on proper driving posture here.

Taking regular breaks. Another way you can minimize the chance of getting injured when driving is by taking frequent breaks. Though the rule varies depending on the area you might be driving in, drivers are expected to have at least 11 hours rest after driving – but long journeys should include smaller breaks throughout the day.


Check out more great articles from Mother Trucker Yoga: 

How Chiropractic Can Help Truck Drivers

Benefits of a Chiropractor for Travel

Hot to Have Perfect Posture: VIDEO:

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Truck Driver Health: Vitamin C What You Need to Know

Truck Driver Health is an Important Aspect of Healthy Living.

Out on the road, healthy foods can be hard to find, and that means that you may not be getting all the vital nutrients you need to stay healthy as a truck driver. Remember that old saying, “An orange a day keeps the doctor away”? OK, maybe it was an apple, but oranges are often a fruit that is readily available at most truck stops, which means you can get your Vitamin C anytime, anywhere. And your body will indeed thank you! Truck Driver Health

Attention Truck Drivers to Avoid Truck Driver Health Issues… Get your Vitamin C!

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and is something our body does not store. Vitamin C is also known as Ascorbic acid and is found in fruits, vegetables, and animal products.

I can’t stress enough over how important it is for our health! It would be best if you had it daily to manage the physiological functions of your body. Yet so many people, truck drivers included just aren’t getting enough Vitamin C. Education plays a big role in making healthy choices. If you don’t know what foods contain certain vitamins, then how can you work to consume them. And furthermore, how can you prepare for your trip ahead if you don’t know what you should be buying, preparing, and packing? Don’t worry, Mother Trucker Yoga’s got your back!

Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Vitamin CTruck Driver Health Issues, What You Need to Know

Why do we need Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and immunity booster that promotes cardiovascular health, growth of bones, wound healing, development and repair of body tissues, and skin rejuvenation. When we are stressed we lower our immune response, so make sure you are also practicing healthy stress relief habits and truck driver health issues may arise. Check out Mother Trucker Yoga’s 10 Ways to Reduce Stress. And don’t forget to breathe, your body depends on it.

But Vitamin C is also critical in the production of collagen, L-carnitine, and some neurotransmitters. It helps metabolize proteins, and its antioxidant activity may reduce the risk of some cancers. There are so many benefits to Vitamin C, and boy oh boy, does it taste good! If you are worried about the looks of fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, or losing that youthful vibe, then fear not; Vitamin C should be on your list of must have’s to keep your whole body healthy and in check. But this vital vitamin isn’t just for our youthful appearance; it also helps with muscle function, tone, and vitality. Our tissues feed on protein, water, and Vitamin C, and you need all three to keep your physical tone, strength, and elasticity healthy.

Did you know that Vitamin C helps produce collagen? That super important component to anti-aging and skin elasticity and is the main component of connective tissue and the most abundant protein in mammals. And when it comes to truck driver health, collagen is great to be getting as it is wonderful for our skin. Roughly 1 to 2% of muscle tissue is collagen. And it is an important component in fibrous tissues such as:

  • tendons
  • ligaments
  • skin
  • cornea
  • cartilage
  • bones
  • the gut
  • blood vessels

Getting your daily dose of Vitamin C will leave your tissues happy and healthy but don’t forget about the importance of stretching! When your tissues get the vital nutrition they need those aches and pains will start to fade away with a few good Mother Trucker Yoga stretches.

Types of Vitamin C

Other than natural Vitamin C found in fruits and vegetables, ascorbic acid is frequently used in supplements. Other Vitamin C types include:

  • Mineral ascorbates (Calcium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, etc.)
  • Ascorbic acid with bioflavonoids
  • Other blended different forms (Ester-C containing ascorbate, dehydroascorbate, calcium threonate, xylonite, and lyxonate)

Don’t stress if you can’t get it fresh, as a truck driver you may need to supplement often and that is OK.


Truck Driver Health: Required Daily Amount of Vitamin C

Infants (1-3 years) 15 mg
Children (4-9 years) 25 mg
Adolescents (9-13 years) 45 mg
Teens (14-18 years) 65-75 mg
Women (>19 years) 75 mg
Men (>19 years) 90 mg
Pregnant women 85 mg
Breastfeeding women 120 mg


“5 Vitamin C.” Institute of Medicine. 2000. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9810.

Health Benefits

If you are going to eat, you might as well eat something that packs a powerful punch with it. And foods that contain Vitamin C are nothing short of a POWERFUL PUNCH for your entire body’s health. Knowledge is power and when you know what your food can do for you, then you can make those healthier choices!

Boosts Immune System

Vitamin C is the core member of the fighting team against microbes. WBCs (Leucocytes) include a group of cells (Neutrophils, innate lymphoid cells, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, and natural killer cells) whose function is to attack or engulf (phagocytosis) and then kill the pathogen.

But the actions of these warriors require the help of Vitamin C as its key function there is Phagocytosis (engulfment of a pathogen) and cellular mobility.

Heart Sweetheart

Vitamin C loves our heart and supports its health unconditionally. Research shows that adequate intake of Vitamin C lowers the LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and its antioxidant properties fight off the free radical damage.

Research shows that it can control blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels. As it carries the enzymatic reaction that synthesizes norepinephrine (from dopamine) which controls all these functions.

Boosts Energy Levels

Vitamin C levels in the body are directly linked to that of L-carnitine (amino-acid), which plays a huge role in energy production in the body.

Vision Patron

Research shows that Vitamin C promotes the health of retinal blood vessels. Vitamin C helps in maintaining connective tissue and collagen in the cornea of the eye.

Its daily adequate consumption (300mg) prevents cataracts and shows promising results in reducing the progression of macular degeneration into later stages.

Radiant Skin

Vitamin C has a crucial role in collagen production present in our skin. It hydrates the skin, fights wrinkles and aging factors, and makes your skin healthy and blossomy.

Truck Driver Health Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Trucker Health Vitamin C what you need

Sources of Vitamin C  

You can find this critical vitamin in lots of different foods and my advice, try to eat a variety of healthy foods. As a truck driver access to certain foods may be challenging at times so don’t stress if you cannot get guava or kiwi fruit into your daily diet. My approach is to reach for the lowest hanging fruit (hehehehe) so you don’t end up stressing yourself out over not getting a large enough variety. What is available to you right now? What foods can travel well? What can I bring from home? 

Fruits Serving Milligrams per serving
Lemon 1 fruit 44.5
Orange 1 large fruit 97.5
Kiwi fruit 1 fruit 64
Papaya 1 small fruit 97.6
Guava 1 cup, raw 377
Grapefruit juice 1 cup 93.9
Pineapple 1 cup chunks, raw 78.9
Mango 1 cup 60.1
Strawberries 1 cup, sliced 97.6
Tomato juice 1 cup, canned 170


Vegetables & spices Serving Milligrams per serving
Red Bell Pepper Per 100 gm 80mg
Kale 1 cup 180mg
Broccoli 1 cup, raw 81.2
Potato 1 large 72.7
Brussels sprouts 1 cup, raw 74.8
Cauliflower 1 cup, raw 51.6
Cabbage 1 cup, raw 44 mg
Thyme Per 100 gm 160 mg
Green chilli 1 green chilli 109 mg


Animal sources Amount (mg/100 gm)
Lamb liver (fried) 12
Lamb heart (roasted) 11
Lamb tongue (stewed) 6
Calf adrenals (raw) 11
Human milk 4
Cow milk 2
Goat milk 2

Your health is your responsibility and that doesn’t need to be a scary thing. That can be a sweet opportunity for you to improve your health and turn lemons into lemonade!

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Benefits of a Chiropractor for Travel

Benefits of a Chiropractor for Travel


Natural and holistic therapies have taken the whole medical field on a roller coaster. There are many therapies under natural healing, which is commonly known as Chiropractic.

The seekers for back pain treatment are mending their way to chiropractic manipulation. 35 % of about 22 million Americans are visiting a Chiropractic practitioner with a complaint of backache. The reason for this can be any injury or long hours sitting jobs like truck drivers, office workers, etc. Going on a vacation can become such a painful nightmare is not good at all.

There are ways you can prevent this problem like exercising, adjusting posture, using Backshield, etc. But the effective treatment for back pain lies in a chiropractic practitioner’s hands.


I first experienced chiropractic care 15 years ago at the suggestion of a naturopath. I had hip issues and chronic back pain and I was only 19. After my first visit, I had no idea what was all twisted up and it all made sense. I had twelve vertebrae out of alignment for what appeared to be some time (because they did not go back willingly) and a twisted pelvis which explained my mysterious hip alignment issues. Coupled with specific yoga stretches and strengthening exercises over time I have been able to resolve the majority of my body’s alignment issues. Chiropractic care is not a fix-all, but when implemented, with a credible and knowledgeable doctor of chiropractics correctly and coupled with more specific lifestyle changes you can feel better, wherever you are. 


What is Chiropractic?


Chiropractic is an alternative or complementary medical practice that manages or treats the musculoskeletal system problems with the primary concern being the spine.

People generally refer to it as “Chiropractor Adjustment.” This adjustment is a quick yet gentle thrusting action or movement performed at spine areas in spasm, painful, or can’t move properly.


Benefits of Seeing a Chiropractor Before Travel


Spinal manipulation is no-joke. It is a fantastic trick to prepare the back for the activity beforehand.

Imagine preventing or fixing a problem before its onset. How thrilling and enticing it would be? Chiropractic treatment works the same way.

Chiropractors search for the red zone areas to remove any obstruction in the way which manipulates the spine into a different exercise.

Starting the visit beforehand will make your trip more relaxing and luxurious.  

And I understand that some may feel different about chiropractic care and to that, I will say that there are good and bad to everything. And I suggest you research who you go to see prior to your first appointment. 


Benefits of Chiropractic Care After Travel

Chiropractor spine care mother trucker yoga blog post

Traveling leaves us feeling lethargic, muscle soreness, bearing backache, and unenergized. It takes days to get back to the norms while our body is readjusting itself into its old shape while not completely adjusting in the travel mode.


Vacations are fun only when we are healthy. It is no fun to return from the vacations with a burden of pains and soreness. And for truck drivers, when everyday travel, every day you are at the wheel, and every day you are sleeping on the road, pain, and soreness seems to be a regular part of life. 


Here comes the Chiropractic therapy for your rescue. If you didn’t visit a chiropractic practitioner before going on vacation, you could do it after returning home. It is better late than never. If getting in to see the chiropractor isn’t on your list of things to do prior to going back out on the road, you may want to consider that tune-up before leaving. 


If you didn’t know, TA Petro has chiropractors on duty at several travel centers. For a list of truck stops with these amenities, they have that available on their site! Take advantage of these amenities when you can. It can be tricky trying to do things like what appears everyone else is. But when you live over the road, that isn’t possible. Take refuge in the services others are doing their best to provide for you. A chiropractor, while you fill up with fuel, sounds like a win to me. 


Dissolving the Knots

With prolonged sitting, muscles of the neck or back tend to get kinky and painful. A chiropractor can help dissolve those knot-like structures and reduce the pain. Think of those knots as a ball of rubber bands that has been a ball for so long that the rubber bands are not sticking together. A good chiropractor will not only put your bones back in place but also access the muscles and tissues that surround those misaligned bones and work to release and reduce those boulders in the roadways of our tissues. This is one reason why I love techniques coupled with a chiropractor like a massage, or self-massage and stretching. 


Unwind the sore muscles

Traveling for some people means the restriction of their mobility. Continuous sitting for an extended period puts much pressure and strain on your muscles to adapt, which leaves them sore after all the hard work. The average person sits for 12 hours a day, and the fourth leading risk factor to mortality is physical inactivity or being sedentary. That’s 3.2 billion people each year dying from physical inactivity. 


A chiropractor can effortlessly remove the restrictions hindering the body’s mobility. The manipulation will make you feel like you can move freely and have no muscle tension while stretching them. And in addition, seeking out chiropractic care can help reduce symptoms, pain, discomfort, and even eliminate issues like sciatica, piriformis syndrome, cramping, plantar fasciitis, neck or back pain, sleep issues, and more. 


Sound sleep

We know the backache has got no chill, no matter in the day or night time. Overstock here is that it gets worse at night when the body starts to relax and rewind. Even if you are feeling fine in the day, it will catch up to you at night.

A chiropractor can help with your sleeping problems by relieving the strain and pressure on your body. The adjustment makes you feel relaxed and pain-free. And those adjustments can help with blood flow, the release of pinched nerves which all control different aspects of the body. So your sleep issues may not be just because you are an over the road traveler. 


I want to encourage you to do your research, educate yourself, and talk to people who have experienced chiropractor visits. Listen to their experience. Like anything in life, there are good and bad. People that have the touch of an angel and those that should not be doing what they are doing. I am certain there are truck drivers out there that should not be behind the wheel, yoga teachers that should never step foot on a mat again at the risk of hurting someone. But your health is really in your hands, and when given the opportunity to let someone else’s hands assist down that path to health and happiness, I want to encourage you to give it a try. 


Have you read…

 Can yoga help with back pain for travelers? – Blog

Have you tried it?…

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6 Rules for Over the Road Fitness


6 Rules for Over the Road Fitness


The idea of over the road fitness is not the norm for some. And for others, they think of it only as taking their traditional workout with them. And that is great. But for the rest of us, being smart and looking at how you can add movement, fitness, health into your day, even while doing what you always do is what I call over the road fitness. And fitness in your everyday life!


Long drives can trigger multiple health issues! Old News!

We can pull through the long-distance travels effortlessly!

Good News!

Let us take look at

“How can we avoid backache on the way?” Back pain is not new news, but the reality is there is a large group of people who have back pain, or any pain and it doesn’t bother them enough to make a change. There is a story that a mentor told me some years ago. 


There was a cat laying on a nail crying meow. 

And the owner’s friend asked, “why is the cat meowing?” 

And the owner said, “oh, she’s laying on a nail”. 

And the friend said, “well, why doesn’t she just get off the nail?” 

The owner said, “Because it doesn’t hurt that bad”. 


The moral of the cat story is some people’s pain is only bad enough to complain about it. They don’t actually want to do something about it. Where is your pain? Where is your desire for being healthy and improving your fitness? We won’t change anything we don’t want to change. Here are a few road rules to help you stay healthy, fit, and happy while traveling, driving, rolling down the open road. 


Forestall the trigger

Each time you enter your car or any vehicle, open your door wide. Use your hand to hold the seat, keep your back straight, bend your knees, and take your seat at your near edge of the seat while facing the vehicle. Then, in one move, lift and swing your legs together and place them on the car’s foot-mat.


Adjust your seat accordingly.

You just can’t fix your seat where you can see everything clearly to feel like a boss on the road and let your back handle all the discomfort in the world.

Setting your seat at a height that your hips lie in the same height as of your knees is more befitting.

Are you in need of a new truck seat? Many drivers think they can’t afford a supportive truck seat. But can you afford years of pain, spinal damage, and discomfort from years of driving? Invest in yourself before things breakdown- that includes your body! Check out the AIR CHIEF STANDARD STYLE ON-HIGHWAY TRUCK SEAT from Bud and Tony’s Truck Parts.

Standard Features to this seat include:

Air Chief Seat Mother Trucker Yoga blog

  • 20” Wide Soft Seat Cushion
  • Height Adjustable Headrest (can be removed)
  • Fully Reclining Backrest
  • Triple Chamber Air-Lumbar Support System
  • 3-Position Seat Cushion Extension & Tilt Adjustment
  • Fore & Aft Slides (7 Inch Tracks)
  • Poly-Dynamic Air-Suspension™
  • Integrated Isolator
  • ICP -moves with Suspension & Isolator
  • Bellow



Relax Your Body

Easy Stretches for Travel with Mother Trucker YogaDo not sit like a statue and try checking regularly, reminding yourself to relax your arms or legs while driving. Not only will it trigger back problems but will also hamper with blood circulation. Muscle cramps and stiffness. Let’s be honest, we get lazy and even though we can move while driving, we don’t. So make it a point to move more while driving. Need help getting creative with movements? Check out Mother Trucker Yoga’s Audio Easy Stretching for Travel: Safe Yoga While Driving Download.



Arms position and pedal distance

Your arms should be bent at 20-30 degree angles while your legs should bend at a 45-degree angle. It will prevent you from slouching and support your spine. Look for your sweet spot and commit your driving for a lifetime to it. This may require you to purchase additional support tools for your truck or vehicle. 


Lumbar Support

This invention is no less than a blessing for people suffering from backache—use quality lumbar support to keep your back in a right and comfortable position. BackShield is lumbar support designed for a comforting cushioning effect to your back and improves your posture. It is conveniently portable and can nicely fit in cars, trucks, and R.V.s. Purchasing yourself a BackShield is a profitable investment for your lifetime. Use our code at checkout: MTY10

In case you don’t want to buy lumbar support, you can roll a towel and place it in the back near the lumbar vertebrae. But take it from me, it won’t work like a BackShield. 

BackShield for RV Driving

Mirror Positioning

Position your mirror at the right angles to avoid unnecessary twisting and turning of your neck and back. And when you look out at your mirrors use your whole body, look at that mirror peek as a movement for your body too. 


Other Important Points

Take small intervals

If you travel a long distance, it will help your body relax from stiffness in your muscles. Stretch your body, walk for a few minutes, and restart your journey.


Keep yourself hydrated on your way. Generally, our mind and body are on autopilot mode while driving, and our blood pressure tends to lower down a bit, and we start to feel off. To maintain your blood pressure, you need to hydrate your body frequently to stay in a conscious state and a good mood.

Music Therapy

Listen to your favorite music album. It will help your nerves to calm down and relax your entire body.

Fuel your body

Don’t let your stomach starve. Give it proper nutritious food because, “When the tummy is happy, nothing is crappy!” when you are in a good mood, it will fight the stress hormone released in your body.

Drive Safely

Last but not least,

“Drive Cautiously”

“Follow the traffic rules.”

“Don’t get a ticket for speeding.”


Being fit is not an overnight change. And in my mind, it’s not based on weight, size, or gender. It’s based on how you feel. So ask yourself: “how do I feel?” And don’t be afraid to answer. So many people deny that they need to work harder, improve themselves, and pay more attention to their fit-ness in life. These road rules are meant to help you see the options available. You probably noticed that the rules above are not based on squats or hundreds of push-ups daily or running a couch to 5k. These are rules to help you improve the quality of your life! 


  • See more clearly where the road is taking you. 
  • See more clearly where it is you want to go. 
  • See more clearly how easy it can be to change lanes in your fitness and health. 


This post is sponsored by:

Bud and Tony's Truck Parts

Bud and Tony have known each other for over 50 years (brothers – from another mother you could say) and have been in business together for over 30 years. They have always believed in our economy thriving and work hard to make sure it continues upward. They both know the trucking industry has and will continue to be the backbone of our economy. With this in mind, they came together to be a part of this ever-growing, ever-changing but steadfast, and traditional business that will always keep moving American and the world forward.

A Truckers Workout: Resistance Bands Exercises


It can be hard to get moving, stay fit, and be active whether you are a truck driver, a traveler, or a commuter. Being in the driver’s seat all day long sucks. And when we can’t be active, that can also wear on our mental state. Resistance bands are an excellent way to get in a truck driver workout anytime, anywhere. Trucker Workout

Our Resistance Band Travel Set Is the Best Truck Driver Workout On The Go.

Exercise comes in all forms, and using resistance bands is one quick and simple way to stay fit, healthy, and mobile.

Movement is partly what saved me from a life strangling addiction. And when I’m not moving, long story short, it is often a slippery slope to the land of sorrows, depression, and anxiety. When you don’t feel good, you tend not to make the best choices, which is why getting in a trucker workout can make all the difference.

And there is something so unique about feeling strong, feeling alive, feeling in my body.

I love exploring movements. I love being creative and pushing myself in a way that can best serve my body.

But too much of anything can be an insufficient thing-even exercise. As I get older, I’m more conscious of my joint bones and trying to stay pain-free, not just trim and fit.

And about two years ago, I took a terrible fall, and it landed me a slow recovery and a body that felt like it was well into its 70s or 80s. Muscles wouldn’t let go of the trauma, and I started to develop imbalances that were wreaking havoc on the body I fought so hard to keep living in.

Resistance Bands Make an Easy Truck Driver Workout

Rediscovering resistance bands was one thing that jump-started my body’s recovery and began to heal my injuries and imbalances without pushing it too hard (and I had no intention of being as big as the Incredible Hulk).

My eye’s resistance bands are a very unappreciated piece of trucker workout equipment. So many get sucked into believing that the more expensive, the better, and then never use it. But truth be told, bands are great, think of them as one step up from bodyweight exercises and super nurturing to your joints!

And when implemented correctly into truck driver workout and daily life, you will see a big difference in your strength, pain level, and mobility because resistance bands strengthen the attachments where the muscle and bone meet. In contrast, free weights bulk the belly of the muscle making this an excellent trucker workout. And to make sure you are moving towards your healthiest self, don’t forget to download our free Healthiest Self Check-List

resistance bands easy workout guide blog post mother trucker yoga

10 Benefits to a Resistance Bands Workout:

  • 1) They improve the quality of your exercises.
  • 2) They help to focus your control, form, and function.
  • 3) They recruit your stabilizing muscles.
  • 4) They’re fundamental for functional training.
  • 5) A great alternative to machines.
  • 6) they’re lightweight and easy to use for travel fitness.
  • 7) they’re designed for compound exercises.
  • 8) You have control over the angle.
  • 9) They help you feel your muscles working or not working
  • 10) They work your muscles differently than the use of free-weights

Variety is the spice of life. Stop thinking you have to do the same old thing every day.

You can easily add in a resistance bands workout that lasts 5 minutes, and you can get a fantastic activity in no time!

How do Resistance Bands Work?

Unlike weights, resistance bands don’t rely on gravity. The more you stretch the bands, the more they resist your movement, want to work harder, and increase the band’s stretch. That means that if you work with a free weight, you can only go as far as your joint will allow, but with a band, create more resistance, and you have just increased your workout. And I love resistance bands because you can get creative, way more creative than you can with weights.

Here are some of my current favorites for working with resistance bands.

Resistance Band Travel Set Workouts

Foot and Leg Exercises with Resistance Bands: Great Trucker Workout

Because a truck driver spends a lot of time sitting, their legs can become weak and tired, and we need our legs to be mobile and strong to help support our back.

Place a tied or loop resistance band about the length of your forearm and place it over the balls of your feet. Stretch the band just enough so there is no slack. Keeping a tall body (no rib thrusting or booty pushing), start to march in place. Work to lift your knee without leaning back or tipping forward. March in place 30 times.

Next, ground into one leg and keep a solid neutral rotation on the leg (pit of the back of the knee pointing back and on dumping into the hip), engage your glute, and press out with the opposite leg for a lateral lift. Think about kicking out with the heel, not the toes (almost like internal rotation).

Do this 10-20 times on each side.

Trucker Workout: Resistance Band Arm Exercises

Standing firm in neutral, feet grounded, and no rib thrusting. First, anchor your elbows at your sides and press out with both fists (the movement comes from the elbow) on an exhalation. Place your fists inside the tied-off or loop resistance band.

Try this 10-20 times. Next to keeping your upper body strong and stable, pull one fist up, and one fist down, like your arms are marching in place. Do this 10-20 times. Finally, pull your fists diagonally and then back to the center 10-20 times. Notice which arm is stronger and tune into making sure you don’t dominate the movements with that more muscular arm.

Resistance Band Exercises for Hips and Glutes

This was a lifesaver because my left hip and hamstring weren’t cooperating, and my right glute was weak (a very unstable pulley system). Place the tied off resistance band around your ankles (shoes optional) and walk 30 paces forward and back in the following ways:

  1. Wide Monster Strides (pull the band as wide as you can comfortably and walk forward and back)
  2. Regular Walk (Walk-in an average hips distance and stretch the band with enough resistance when you walk)
  3. Diagonal Walk (Step to the right one foot at a time, then to the left, alternating forward and back)
  4. Sideways Walker (Create a slight squat and step foot to foot to the right, then to the left)

Leg Strength with resistance bands Mother Trucker Yoga blog

So many think their workout has to be at the gym in workout clothes and X minutes long to be “worth it.” But here’s the thing, I carry my bands with me in my car. Yes, I do a three-minute workout here or there, and it all adds up! To step out of the box, you have to start to think out of the box!

And you might as well add resistance bands into that thinking too!

Don’t have our Resistance Band Travel Set? Grab this kit and join me! I got you covered!

resistance band training mother trucker yoga blog hope zvara 

Want more great moves like these? When you buy our mini travel resistance bands kit, you get: 

  • One Large Physical Therapy Grade Resistance Band (Medium or Heavy Resistance)
  • Two loop bands with varied resistance
  • Door Loop to attach your bands to your truck cab door or door at home for an easy portable workout
  • 25 Page Resistance Bands Guide for easy go-to workout ideas! Making a truck driver workout even easier no matter where you are.
  • Resistance Band Travel Set Mother Trucker Yoga BLog

And after a great day of movement with your newfound love of resistance bands. Don’t forget to help your muscles recover with our exclusive pain relief cream made for drivers… STIFF Mother Trucker. After an excellent trucker workout, your muscles may feel a bit sore or even stiff because you are now using them, and there is a window of time where your body has to readjust. STIFF Mother Trucker pain relief cream is a perfect remedy for your trucker driver’s workout to help you feel better wherever you are.

STIFF Mother Trucker Pain Relief Cream for Travel




Going the Distance Challenge for Truck Drivers


Going the Distance Truck Driver Challenge starts July 27th! 

Truck drivers are one of the largest underserved communities. And with truck drivers’ health continually at risk, something needs to change. Other challenges have been displayed to drivers before and mostly they focus on weight loss. And although many drivers could serve to lose weight, that doesn’t mean they are healthier. It’s about the small building block changes that build the biggest results.

For truckers, that number is 14%. Why do truckers suffer from diabetes at a rate of ost 50% higher than the rest of the American population? They have more risk factors, according to physicians. Drivers smoke more; about half of truck drivers smoke compared to 19% of other adults.

The CDC stated that:

By law, drivers of commercial vehicles and trucks are permitted 14 hours of duty per day worked. They are required to take a mandatory 10-hour break before they can drive again for work. As a result, long freight delivery routes often require them to sleep away from home. Life on the road makes it more difficult to live healthy because of:

  • irregular schedules
  • long hours
  • little physical activity
  • limited access to healthy foods on the interstates
  • stress

And that has left our drivers with issues like heart disease, obesity, hypertension, nd diabetes. HOWEVER, most drivers hearing this is nothing new. And it is my belief that we must FIRST address the underlying causes of these issues which are: Air, Food, Water, Sleep, and Movement all in small bite-size practices.

Going the distance truckers health challenge 5 elements mother trucker yoga blog

Interested in learning some tips to feel better while on the road or at home? If so, join us for Going the Distance Health Challenge. This is a 1-month completion challenge for professional drivers. The St. Christopher Truckers Fund has teamed up with Mother Trucker Yoga to show you how making small, simple changes in your daily routine can result in big health benefits. The challenge is based on five elements needed for survival: water, food, sleep, air, and movement.

How is this health challenge different than those you may be familiar with?

First, it is a completion challenge. Each person who stays engaged in the challenge for the full month is a winner and will receive prizes from various sponsors. Second, it is a two-part challenge. The first part consists of a short 5-day challenge. Everyone who completes the 5-day challenge is eligible to move on to the 2nd challenge. This challenge lasts four weeks and each week will have a specific health focus.

What are the benefits of joining this challenge?

We will explain why each task (drinking more water, eating healthy foods, incorporating daily movement, breathing with intention, and getting adequate sleep) is beneficial instead of just telling you to do something. We will offer real support and accountability. We will provide a place where you can ask health questions and get answers. We will cover the five key elements of survival and how to utilize them successfully. We want you to not only survive but thrive!

Who is running this challenge? 

Hope Zvara of Mother Trucker Yoga who has worked with thousands of people just like you over the last 20 years reclaim their physical, mental, and emotional health through yoga and other mindful practices and now primarily focuses on the trucking community. With her expertise in functional movement (everyday movement and lifestyle) and pain, he is a powerhouse of knowledge and inspiration.

“I believe anyone can show you exercise in front of a truck. That anyone can tell you to do this or that, but changing your health has to be more than that. It must take you back to the beginning and show you how to make real change. Help you understand why behind what you are doing and are asked to do and then show you the way.”

And Julie Dillon of the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund. Julie is a TNC (Total Nutritional Counselor), her knowledge on food, nutrition and lifestyle will aid this challenge to inspire and help drivers build a knowledge base as to why we need certain foods and what happens when we eat or don’t eat them. Julie’s ability to break this process down into bite-size pieces will help every driver participating make great strides at the end.

Trucker Challenge with Mother Trucker Yoga

What is the investment for joining this truck driver challenge? 

This health and wellness challenge is absolutely free! Joining our challenge, our accountability group, and learn alongside experts in the natural health, fitness, and wellness arena cost you nothing. Other challenges require you to buy their product or join their subscription. Not here. We are 100% here for you and all you need to do is say YES!

How can someone register for Going the Distance, and when does it start?

Registration will start on July 6th. Phase 1 of the challenge is July 27-31. Phase 2 is August 3rd-28. Participants can register below. You must be a truck driver to win any prizes during the challenge.

What’s Next?

After registering, please join our Facebook Group, for daily/weekly engagement. This is where most, if not all, the information will be shared. If you do not currently use Facebook, create a “mock” profile for yourself and delete it after the challenge is over. While not mandatory, it is crucial for your success in this challenge to have a Facebook account.

We are encouraging everyone to have a buddy to sign up along with him/her to offer support and accountability.

Prizes will be provided by Road Pro Family of BrandsTA Petro, and Mother Trucker Yoga. STIFF Mother Trucker, Bill Weaver Music, Chrome & Steel Radio, Jacks Chrome Shop 

If you have any questions about the truck driver challenge?

Please contact Julie Dillon at:

Julie @ or Hope Zvara at hope @

Constipation: 3 Ways to get Relief on the Go


Constipation. Not exactly a conversation ANY of us want to have. But yesterday I spent the day with drivers at the Petro in Wilmington, IL and the topic of fiber, digestion, and constipation just kept coming up.

It struggles for anyone who travels to try to stay regular. There are so many factors that play into your body not playing along. But for a truck driver, the challenges can be even steeper than that of the average person.

With little access to “just run into the store” and limited to prepurchases before you (yes, you the truck driver) leave for a run and what is available at the truck stop, you better leave stocked up or you might find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.

I just want to first start out by saying it is not under any circumstances normal to not be emptying your bowels every single day. If food is going in, then food better is coming out. If your body is currently not operating in this manner than I urge you to imagine where that eaten food is then going? Fermenting, decaying, not leaving your body.

Gross right? Exactly.

The average truck driver’s diet is often less than what someone would consider healthy, but with a little preparation and thoughtfulness, you (yes, I’m talking to you again) can get things running more smoothly (see what I did there).

3 Ways to Help Fight Constipation:

First things first. Water. We all absolutely, positively, without a doubt need to be drinking water. Your body is made up of more than 60% water and it is your job to keep the river flowing. As a driver, you are constantly racing against the clock and each stop you take works against you. So my suggestion is always to drink smart.

1-hour before you wake up, drink AT LEAST 8 ounces of water, I have some drivers now downing 10-20 ounces before their feet leave their truck. That hour will give your body time to make a way through you. Plus, by drinking water in the morning you cleanse your body from yesterday’s leftovers. Add lemon and you can also help boost and balance your pH (more on that later). So drink up my friend, your body depends on it.

Get your greens in. For anyone who travels it can be difficult to get a balanced diet each and every day. And for some drivers, cooking on the truck every day is just not a reality for them. So to help boost your body’s bottom line and get in what you just can seem to consume through food each day consider grabbing a greens powder to take every day.

Dark greens are essential to our daily diet. They help keep the bloat away, act as a means to detox the body, improve digestion, and elimination. Plus, provide you with essential nutrients that you just aren’t getting from that chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato or that iceberg salad. Couple that with daily movement with Mother Trucker Yoga and you have yourself some healthy bowels!

Do the best you can with what you have. But sometimes, you have need more. Greens travel and store well, and all you need to do is mix them with water (I take them at night and in the morning) and drink up.

Here are a few of my favorite brands.

Finally, finding fiber, or better yet, finding foods with fiber is another challenge some drivers may not even fully be aware of. Fiber is essential for your body. Its role is to help your body eliminate what is no longer necessary in the body and get it out. If you are lacking fiber in your diet, then you are more than likely lacking bathroom visits as well.

Add fiber too much too soon and you have a constipation problem all over again. So start small and start with real foods when it comes to adding more fiber to your diet. Consider beans, avocados, blackberries, chia seeds, bran and getting in your veggies. Good news, things like bran, chia seeds, and beans all travel well. That means you can take them with on long-hauls without the worry about spoiling.

If you have never used chia seeds before, they are amazing! Put them in yogurt, add them to your drink, smoothie, you can even put them into your baked goods. My favorite is to soak them in warm water for 10 minutes then add them to coconut yogurt- YUM!

Even then, traveling and living on the road can make even accessing the food suggested above challenges. Consider traveling with fiber you can easily add to a drink or mix with water and take daily. If you find yourself in need of adding supplemental fiber into your diet try some of my favorites:

Don’t let the challenges of being a truck driver keep you backed up (hehe- constipation). Instead, pack the essentials. Not just want you truck would need if you broke down, but what you need so you don’t get backed up! Without a healthy you- there is no truck driving.

Want more? Check out our blog post on Healthy Foods on the Road

Are you following us on Facebook? Hop over and check us out!

Egg in a Basket (Egg in an Avocado)


Egg in a hole, egg in a basket, toad in a hole, hen in a nest, one-eyed Jack. Until recently I had never even heard of some of these crazy names for food. But no matter what, it doesn’t change the deliciousness of our dish we are sharing with you all today. 

Egg in a hole Mother Trucker Yoga

Call it what you want. Egg in a hole is about to go to a hole new level. Skip the bread slices today because we are changing up the recipe today and giving your taste buds a makeover. 


No need to bake this dish in the oven, you can throw it together and use RoadPro Family of Brands frying pan. And let it cook while you get your coffee and get ready for the road. This dish may just stop traffic!


It can be tough while living over the road to eat healthy. But most certainly not impossible! First things first, stop telling yourself you can’t eat healthy over the road. Second, stop telling yourself you can’t cook healthy over the road. 


This dish was featured at GATS 2019 in my presentation Fueling Your Rig, Fueling You- Eating Healthy Over The Road. And my new trucker friend Travis whipped (literally) this dish up in eight minutes. 


Why eight minutes? Because, that is the amount of time on stage I gave him. And heck, if he could really make a dish in 8 minutes. I want to share about it!


And alongside our other featured dishes: Mongolian Beef, Asian Salad, and Spring Rolls this was a huge hit!


Egg in a Basket (Egg in an Avocado Basket)


I didn’t know what that was (full disclosure). But I did know what Egg in a Hole was. And the parameters I gave Travis was no bread and must be healthy. 


Wow! His tweaks were out of this world HOME RUN! And I want to share that with you today!


This isn’t just a simple breakfast, this could be lunch or dinner. Anytime, anywhere, and yes, over the road, made in your truck! 



Like this recipe?

Please share this recipe out with all your over the road friends! 


For many breakfast is their favorite meal. But one reason I love this dish is because it could be lunch or dinner. And if you are intermittent fasting, or focusing on getting healthy fats and protein, this dish is for you!


Busy? At home? Or on the road, you can make this dish.

This is a really healthy and filling breakfast, and take it from Travis, it only takes 8 minutes, and less than that to eat!


Ingredients for Eggs in a Basket 

3 ? Avocados 

3 crushed tomatoes or 1 jar of chunky marinara sauce 

1 bag of spinach 

1 onion chopped (don’t have onion tried dried onion flakes)

1 green pepper chopped 

1 tbsp minced garlic (no garlic, try dehydrated garlic)

1/2 cup of Parmesan 

1/2 cup of feta cheese 

Basil to taste/ garnish with diced tomatoes

1 carton of eggs 

Mother Trucker Yoga Egg in a Hole Blog



  1. Make sure the griddle is hot in order to get the bread nice and crispy.
  2. Start with a ripe avocado, you can check how ripe it is by noticing if it is firm yet you can squeeze it a bit. And also notice if the belly button (where the stem used to be) is poking out. If it is, the avocado is ripe. 
  3. Slice lengthwise and pull the pit out. 
  4. Scoop out the fruit. And then cut the avocado into slices so there is a hole to put the egg into once in the pan. 
  5. You can choose your thickness depending on how many you want to make. 
  6. Pour the marinara in frying pan and add spices.
  7. Place avocado slices in the marinara.
  8. Crack eggs carefully and place eggs into the holes of the avocados.
  9. Use fresh eggs, preferably Organic eggs. Kwik Trip and Kwik Star Stores sell fresh eggs which is fantastic for this recipe. 
  10. Salt and freshly cracked black pepper.


Freshly cracked black pepper is enough, but you can also drizzle some sriracha on top while serving.


YUM! I prefer crispy bacon to go along with my meal. You can also serve it with our delicious Asian Salad


Tools used to make Eggs in a Basket


Griddle: We recommend Road Pro Family of brands frying pan.

You can often find them at participating TA-Petro Truck Stops. 


Now this portioning will easily feed you and your trucker friends. 

So feel free to reduce the quantity in half to meet your needs. 


This is a delicious way to still enjoy Eggs in a Basket without all the bread and empty calories.