
Looking After Your Eyes As A Long Distance Driver

Looking After Your Eyes As A Long Distance Driver

Long Distance Driver Post Mother Trucker Yoga Eyes

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As a long-distance professional driver, your eyesight is, of course, one of the most vital parts of your job. It’s not easy to take care of your eyes and general health when you are on the road all the time and concentrating for hours on end. Plus, as you age, your eyes’ capabilities will naturally decrease with time. 


But of course, you are taking your own life in your hands as you get behind the wheel each day. This means it is of high importance that any eyesight issues you have are resolved to maintain your own safety and the safety of other drivers and pedestrians. 


Read on to find out three ways to look after your eyes as a long-distance driver!

Regular Eye Tests

As a driver, it is crucial that you have regular eye tests. Even if you have never experienced issues with your eyesight and you don’t wear glasses or contacts, regularly testing your eyes will pick up any changes in your needs. Around once a year, you should visit an optometrist who will test your eyesight and determine whether you need glasses. 


Eye tests are also important because they pick up any further issues with your eye. Using a machine called a phoropter is used to examine your eye closely, checking out any abnormalities that could become issues down the line. As a driver, these eye tests should be part of your routine in order to stay safe on the road. If you do need to order some prescription glasses, find deals at

Appropriate Breaks

Just like any job that requires concentration, taking regular breaks is very important. As a long-distance driver, you likely understand the importance of taking breaks for tiredness as part of your safety procedures. 


Appropriate breaks are not just helpful to make sure you aren’t driving tired; they also help give your eyes the regular rest they need. Your eyes are just like any other organ in your body – they cannot function at 100% concentration for hours on end. Don’t ask your eyes to run a marathon for you every day – give them the breaks they need.

The Right Diet

Your eyes respond to a good diet just like other parts of your body. Eating well on the road can be very tricky, and it’s hard not to live up to the trucker stereotype of a junk food diet! However, eating fresh food if and when you can seriously improve your overall health, including your eye health. 


Here are a few foods that are proven to help eyesight.

  • Citrus fruits such as oranges. These contain Vitamin C which is a crucial vitamin for eye health.
  • Non-meat proteins, such as nuts and eggs.
  • Fish. Fish contains Omega 3 and other fatty oils that are fantastic for cognitive health in general.
  • Green vegetables like spinach and rocket salad. 


Long-distance driving is a crucial job that many people overlook. Your role is important, and taking care of your eyes is vital to complete this role!

Take care of your eyes, long-distance driver!

Truck Driver Health: Vitamin C What You Need to Know

Truck Driver Health is an Important Aspect of Healthy Living.

Out on the road, healthy foods can be hard to find, and that means that you may not be getting all the vital nutrients you need to stay healthy as a truck driver. Remember that old saying, “An orange a day keeps the doctor away”? OK, maybe it was an apple, but oranges are often a fruit that is readily available at most truck stops, which means you can get your Vitamin C anytime, anywhere. And your body will indeed thank you! Truck Driver Health

Attention Truck Drivers to Avoid Truck Driver Health Issues… Get your Vitamin C!

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and is something our body does not store. Vitamin C is also known as Ascorbic acid and is found in fruits, vegetables, and animal products.

I can’t stress enough over how important it is for our health! It would be best if you had it daily to manage the physiological functions of your body. Yet so many people, truck drivers included just aren’t getting enough Vitamin C. Education plays a big role in making healthy choices. If you don’t know what foods contain certain vitamins, then how can you work to consume them. And furthermore, how can you prepare for your trip ahead if you don’t know what you should be buying, preparing, and packing? Don’t worry, Mother Trucker Yoga’s got your back!

Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Vitamin CTruck Driver Health Issues, What You Need to Know

Why do we need Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and immunity booster that promotes cardiovascular health, growth of bones, wound healing, development and repair of body tissues, and skin rejuvenation. When we are stressed we lower our immune response, so make sure you are also practicing healthy stress relief habits and truck driver health issues may arise. Check out Mother Trucker Yoga’s 10 Ways to Reduce Stress. And don’t forget to breathe, your body depends on it.

But Vitamin C is also critical in the production of collagen, L-carnitine, and some neurotransmitters. It helps metabolize proteins, and its antioxidant activity may reduce the risk of some cancers. There are so many benefits to Vitamin C, and boy oh boy, does it taste good! If you are worried about the looks of fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, or losing that youthful vibe, then fear not; Vitamin C should be on your list of must have’s to keep your whole body healthy and in check. But this vital vitamin isn’t just for our youthful appearance; it also helps with muscle function, tone, and vitality. Our tissues feed on protein, water, and Vitamin C, and you need all three to keep your physical tone, strength, and elasticity healthy.

Did you know that Vitamin C helps produce collagen? That super important component to anti-aging and skin elasticity and is the main component of connective tissue and the most abundant protein in mammals. And when it comes to truck driver health, collagen is great to be getting as it is wonderful for our skin. Roughly 1 to 2% of muscle tissue is collagen. And it is an important component in fibrous tissues such as:

  • tendons
  • ligaments
  • skin
  • cornea
  • cartilage
  • bones
  • the gut
  • blood vessels

Getting your daily dose of Vitamin C will leave your tissues happy and healthy but don’t forget about the importance of stretching! When your tissues get the vital nutrition they need those aches and pains will start to fade away with a few good Mother Trucker Yoga stretches.

Types of Vitamin C

Other than natural Vitamin C found in fruits and vegetables, ascorbic acid is frequently used in supplements. Other Vitamin C types include:

  • Mineral ascorbates (Calcium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, etc.)
  • Ascorbic acid with bioflavonoids
  • Other blended different forms (Ester-C containing ascorbate, dehydroascorbate, calcium threonate, xylonite, and lyxonate)

Don’t stress if you can’t get it fresh, as a truck driver you may need to supplement often and that is OK.


Truck Driver Health: Required Daily Amount of Vitamin C

Infants (1-3 years) 15 mg
Children (4-9 years) 25 mg
Adolescents (9-13 years) 45 mg
Teens (14-18 years) 65-75 mg
Women (>19 years) 75 mg
Men (>19 years) 90 mg
Pregnant women 85 mg
Breastfeeding women 120 mg


“5 Vitamin C.” Institute of Medicine. 2000. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9810.

Health Benefits

If you are going to eat, you might as well eat something that packs a powerful punch with it. And foods that contain Vitamin C are nothing short of a POWERFUL PUNCH for your entire body’s health. Knowledge is power and when you know what your food can do for you, then you can make those healthier choices!

Boosts Immune System

Vitamin C is the core member of the fighting team against microbes. WBCs (Leucocytes) include a group of cells (Neutrophils, innate lymphoid cells, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, and natural killer cells) whose function is to attack or engulf (phagocytosis) and then kill the pathogen.

But the actions of these warriors require the help of Vitamin C as its key function there is Phagocytosis (engulfment of a pathogen) and cellular mobility.

Heart Sweetheart

Vitamin C loves our heart and supports its health unconditionally. Research shows that adequate intake of Vitamin C lowers the LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and its antioxidant properties fight off the free radical damage.

Research shows that it can control blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels. As it carries the enzymatic reaction that synthesizes norepinephrine (from dopamine) which controls all these functions.

Boosts Energy Levels

Vitamin C levels in the body are directly linked to that of L-carnitine (amino-acid), which plays a huge role in energy production in the body.

Vision Patron

Research shows that Vitamin C promotes the health of retinal blood vessels. Vitamin C helps in maintaining connective tissue and collagen in the cornea of the eye.

Its daily adequate consumption (300mg) prevents cataracts and shows promising results in reducing the progression of macular degeneration into later stages.

Radiant Skin

Vitamin C has a crucial role in collagen production present in our skin. It hydrates the skin, fights wrinkles and aging factors, and makes your skin healthy and blossomy.

Truck Driver Health Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Trucker Health Vitamin C what you need

Sources of Vitamin C  

You can find this critical vitamin in lots of different foods and my advice, try to eat a variety of healthy foods. As a truck driver access to certain foods may be challenging at times so don’t stress if you cannot get guava or kiwi fruit into your daily diet. My approach is to reach for the lowest hanging fruit (hehehehe) so you don’t end up stressing yourself out over not getting a large enough variety. What is available to you right now? What foods can travel well? What can I bring from home? 

Fruits Serving Milligrams per serving
Lemon 1 fruit 44.5
Orange 1 large fruit 97.5
Kiwi fruit 1 fruit 64
Papaya 1 small fruit 97.6
Guava 1 cup, raw 377
Grapefruit juice 1 cup 93.9
Pineapple 1 cup chunks, raw 78.9
Mango 1 cup 60.1
Strawberries 1 cup, sliced 97.6
Tomato juice 1 cup, canned 170


Vegetables & spices Serving Milligrams per serving
Red Bell Pepper Per 100 gm 80mg
Kale 1 cup 180mg
Broccoli 1 cup, raw 81.2
Potato 1 large 72.7
Brussels sprouts 1 cup, raw 74.8
Cauliflower 1 cup, raw 51.6
Cabbage 1 cup, raw 44 mg
Thyme Per 100 gm 160 mg
Green chilli 1 green chilli 109 mg


Animal sources Amount (mg/100 gm)
Lamb liver (fried) 12
Lamb heart (roasted) 11
Lamb tongue (stewed) 6
Calf adrenals (raw) 11
Human milk 4
Cow milk 2
Goat milk 2

Your health is your responsibility and that doesn’t need to be a scary thing. That can be a sweet opportunity for you to improve your health and turn lemons into lemonade!

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The Benefits of Working Out with Others

The Benefits of Working Out with Others

When you work out, you have the choice to do it alone or with others. Some people are lone wolves who would much rather do it alone, but working out with other people has some excellent benefits too. You can choose to work out with a friend or exercise in a group when you join a class or even a club or group that’s been set up for the activity that you enjoy. When you choose to work out with others, it makes it a more social experience, which can deliver a few different benefits and could even help you to be healthier.


Better Accountability


Getting fit with other people can be a great idea if you struggle to hold yourself accountable. It’s often far too easy to just decide not to go to the gym or do that workout when there are other things you could be doing instead. If this sounds like you, you could benefit from exercising with other people. When you have others who are counting on you to turn up, it makes it more difficult to decide not to go. You don’t want to disappoint anyone, especially if they’re your friend and they’ve made the effort to show up for you.


More Fun


For a lot of people, working out with others is just more fun. When you exercise alone, it can be peaceful, but you also might just find it kind of boring. If you prefer someone to talk to while you work out or even just someone whose company you can enjoy while you both get on with your workout, it can make your workouts more interesting. Attending a class like those offered by Fitness 19 can be a lot of fun too. When you’re surrounded by other people, it raises the energy in the room. Plus, it can help you to feel less self-conscious if everyone else is doing the same thing as you.


Safer Workouts


Working out with someone else can make your workouts safer too. For example, if you’re lifting weights at the gym, you’ll have someone there to spot you. You will be able to do exercises that you might not have been able to do on your own, which means that you can diversify your workouts more. And if you choose to work out with a personal trainer, in a class or just with someone who’s a little more experienced than you, you can learn new things under someone else’s instruction.

The Benefits of Working Out with Others MTY Blog couples walking

Push Yourself Further


You might feel inspired to push yourself further if you’re working out with someone else. You can motivate each other to keep going and complete your workout so that you don’t give up before you should. Working out together can also encourage you to get a little competitive. Some healthy competition can push you to try and do better so that you beat the other people you’re working out with.


Start working out with other people if you want to get more from your workouts and make your exercise more of a social experience.

How Chiropractic Can Help Truck Drivers


Sitting for hours, lifting heavy objects, having to work long nights – these are important duties that truck drivers do, but they can take a toll on their health. This can lead to many serious problems, including tension and back pain. This article will explore more behind what a chiropractor can do to assist truck drivers. How Chiropractic Can Help Truck Drivers

Frequent Health Problems That Plague Truck Drivers

young truck driver and truck

Truck drivers can run into some serious health issues due to long days of sitting and being on the road. Some of the most common problems are:

  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Back pain
  • Sleep apnea
  • Joint stiffness
  • Stress

What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is a holistic form of medicine designed to treat various musculoskeletal conditions. A chiropractor will adjust your body by twisting certain parts and applying pressure to them. Some might also implement tools depending on how severe the problem is.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help Truck Drivers?


There are plenty of ways chiropractic care can assist truck drivers.

It Reduces Stress

Trying to meet strict deadlines can be stressful. This stress can cause hypertension which can result in symptoms like trouble breathing, headaches, irregular heartbeat, and fatigue. If not fixed, it could lead to even more severe trouble, including a heart attack or stroke.

A chiropractor can reduce signs of anxiety and stress by ensuring your spine is aligned. Many don’t realize that the spine is mainly connected to the brain. If there are blockages between them, it can heighten your stress levels. By adjusting your spine, a chiropractor opens up this pathway to help calm the signals.

In addition to this, chiropractic adjustments will release an impressive amount of endorphins. These natural painkillers treat tension and help you to feel more positive.

It Treats Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that makes it difficult for you to breathe when sleeping. Most of the time, it’s the result of obesity. This is because the extra weight pushes against your airways making it hard for air to pass through.

A chiropractor will feel around your spine, especially around your neck, to feel where airway obstructions might be. They’ll then adjust your spine to ensure vertebrae are in place and to reduce tension. This will help you to breathe better when sleeping.

It Ensures Your Spine is Aligned

One of the best benefits of chiropractic care is that it keeps your spine aligned. You might not realize it, but many sources of bodily pain are the result of a misaligned spine.

A chiropractor will touch various portions of your spine to see if there are misalignments. They might also ask you if you’re experiencing any strange symptoms and request that you walk around so they can monitor your gait.

After observing you, the chiropractor will get to work on fixing areas of concern. To realign your spine, they will press on certain portions of it. This will help to slide any vertebrae back in place and release tension around your spine. These adjustments will also prevent tightness around your nerves which could lead to uncomfortable tingling sensations up and down your spine.

It Improves Your Flexibility

Truck drivers need to be able to move goods in and out of their truck. However, this can be difficult if you suffer from back pain or joint stiffness. Chiropractic care prevents and treats these issues with the help of various adjustments.

Some chiropractors might also incorporate massage into your treatment. Massages have been shown to improve your flexibility and range of motion because they increase fluid around your joints and muscles. This can also reduce tension which makes it easier for you to move them.

Three of the best massages for flexibility are the therapeutic massage, deep tissue massage, and sports massage.

Therapeutic Massage

One massage type your chiropractor might use is the therapeutic massage. This type of massage focuses on the body’s tissues. By using gentle motions on them, it will help to loosen up tightness. To give you the ultimate relief, this massage will be used on all parts of your musculoskeletal system.

Deep Tissue Massage

A deep tissue massage applies a bit more pressure to the body compared to the therapeutic massage. This massage will untighten knots and reduce inflammation around your joints. It can also improve your blood circulation.

Sports Massage

While a sports massage is designed to help athletes, it can be beneficial for truck drivers. This is because it increases your flexibility and works to build up your body to prevent injuries. Because of this, your body will be better equipped to carry and move heavy objects.

It’s Natural

Chiropractic care is a natural way to treat many ailments. When you’re a truck driver, it can be dangerous to rely on pain-relieving drugs, especially since many make you drowsy. By using special adjustments, a chiropractor can instantly provide the same relief. Unlike drugs, chiropractic care fixes the problem rather than masking it. This way, you can be sure that your bodily ailments or pain will actually be treated.

In addition to this, your chiropractor will give you some tips to use when driving. This might include:

  • Doing certain exercises each day to prevent pain and stiffness
  • Changing your hand position on the steering wheel to stop cramping
  • Sitting on a cushion to keep your spine aligned
  • Ensuring your mirrors are in an easy position for you to see when driving

How Often Should Truck Drivers Visit the Chiropractor?

As a truck driver, it can be difficult to find time to consistently visit the chiropractor. Depending on how severe your symptoms are, a chiropractor will recommend that you visit anywhere from one to three times per week. While this might be an investment at first, in the end, you’ll find your body feels invigorated and free from pain.

Chiropractic care is a great option for truck drivers to consider. It can naturally treat many health concerns and prevent them from coming back. Because of this, you’ll find it much easier to move around and do your job.

About the Author

Dr. Brent Wells, D.C. founded Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab and has been a chiropractor for over 20 years. His top-rated chiropractic clinic has treated thousands of Alaska patients from different health problems using physical therapy, chiropractic care, and massage therapy designed to help give long-lasting relief.

Dr. Wells is also the author of over 700 online health articles that have been featured on sites such as Dr. Axe, Organic Facts, and Thrive Global. He is a proud member of the American Chiropractic Association and the American Academy of Spine Physicians. And he continues his education to remain active and updated in all studies related to neurology, physical rehab, biomechanics, spine conditions, brain injury trauma, and more.



Best Core Exercises for Truck Drivers


Best Truck Driver Fitness Core Exercises When You Don’t Have a Lot of Time.

When it comes to driver exercises, and truck driver fitness, it’s time to update yourself, no more sit-ups, there is a better way. We have all heard how important it is to strengthen your core, but the only problem is most people are still doing traditional core work.  Best Core Exercises

What is traditional core work?

Traditional core work in my experience is exercised flat on your back, where you flex your body (crunch) up off the floor. When movements like these are coupled with flailing fast and furious body parts, you feel out of breath and hurt for the wrong reasons. Yet there we are calling “sit-ups” an excellent core workout when there is a better way. 

Times have changed and so has how we move, with the average person sitting 13 hours a day that’s enough if that’s not enough to consider moving more, I don’t know what is. And if you average in 8 hours of sleep on average, a person gets, that 21 hours PER DAY people are sitting. 

The stats don’t lie, we sit way to much!

How Truck Driver Fitness Can Help.

On top of all of that sitting at work, and for meals and commuting, the respondents:

  • Sit another 1-2 hours while watching TV (36 percent)
  • Game another 1-2 hours (10 percent)
  • Lounge for 1-2 hours for things such as reading (25 percent)
  • Use their home computer for 1-2 hours (29 percent)” (PRNewswire)

And truck driver or not- we Americans sit WAY TO MUCH! 

So when you choose truck driver fitness app to try to improve your health, fitness, and overall well-being, we want to make sure we are selecting movements that aid us in our everyday life. And truck driver fitness app is a thing and you want to be a part of it.

Why Not Sit-Ups for Truck Driver Fitness?

The traditional sit-up is done flat on your back; when core-based exercises are all performed this way, we lose the opportunity to use our back muscles (which are a part of our core). So if you are concerned with the health of your back and spine, it is best to opt for other movements when focusing on your midsection. 

Sit-ups also focus primarily on flexion, and for someone who spends most of their day sitting, this is not helping you. All of that flexion encourages the chest, pec, and neck muscles to stay short and tight, and the upper back and neck muscles to continue to be overstretched and strained. Think about your driving position (or if you are in an office, how you sit at your computer), after a few hours you end up with your head sinking forward and your shoulders and chest collapsing forward over the steering wheel. Like you would yank and pull on your upper body during a sit-up. 

Finally, those good-intentioned sit-ups only work a small portion of your core, and the movement you are choosing to do shortens the abs rather than lengthens them. And if you are going to work on your back, make sure you are finding what is called “neutral.” A place where your lower back is not pressed flat into the floor nor overly arched. Having a good understanding of where your core muscles are can make all the difference. 

So when you choose the best types of driver exercises to strengthen your core as a truck driver, choose movements that:

  1. Focus on form and function.

     Gone are the days that huffing and puffing, yanking and jerking your body all over the place, and calling it a good workout are over. Core exercises or not, challenge yourself and see how well you can hold a move or move slowly and control how you move every step of the way. 

  2. Focus on movements that extend more than flex.

    The extension works the body 408% (roughly 10x) more effectively than flexion does.

  3. Focus on movements that include working your back muscles.

    When all we do is “front core” exercises or what many of us call “ab” exercises we actually leave our back vulnerable to injury. By inadvertently over strengthening our front core and neglecting our back muscles (which are a part of our core) we can sometimes do more harm than good. (Read more about neck issues what exercises to do to help)

According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), core training is an essential part of any personal fitness routine. Your core helps transfer force and power from your lower to upper limbs. The stronger your midsection is, the safer you’ll be during exercise, plus when you have a stronger core, you are less likely to injure your back.

4 Driver Exercises to Strengthen A Truckers Core:

Driver Exercises #1 – Weighted Extension:

Prep Time: 1 Minute

Total Exercise Time: 30 Seconds – 3 Minutes

  1. Find a place to sit on your sleeper, the ground, or your floor at home.
  2. Bend your knees (optional place a pillow or small ball between your knees to squeeze for lower body stability. (If your tail bone is sensitive place a blanket under your tailbone)
  3. Grab your weight (1 lb – 10 lbs) and place it on your chest.
  4. Keep a straight spine (no rounding in the shoulders, upper back, or lower back).
  5. Inhale and exhale to prepare.
  6. Inhale slightly tuck your tail bone under and lean back to 45 degrees (do not go all the way down).
  7. Exhale and with control draw your body back up sitting tall and press your arms overhead/weight.
  8. Do not round your upper body when pressing up overhead. If your shoulders are tight press the arms to a 45-degree angle.
  9. Repeat this 10-30 reputations working on form, function, and control.
  10. Try this on our mini ball for 10x more core activation.

Core Exercise for Truck Driver Fitness Mother Trucker yoga Blog

Driver Exercises #2 – Oblique Weighted Twist

Prep Time: 1 Minute

Total Exercise Time: 30 Seconds – 3 Minutes

  1. Find a place to sit on your sleeper, the ground, or your floor at home.
  2. Bend your knees (optional place a pillow or small ball between your knees to squeeze for lower body stability. (If your tail bone is sensitive place a blanket under your tailbone)
  3. Grab your weight (1 lb – 10 lbs) and hold it in front of your chest (imagine there is a pole keeping your hands in front of your chest).
  4. Keep a straight spine (no rounding in the shoulders, upper back, or lower back).
  5. Inhale and exhale to prepare.
  6. Inhale slightly tuck your tail bone under and lean back to 45 degrees (do not go all the way down).
  7. Inhale and work to rotate to the right, really pay attention to your spine and rib cage rotating (not your hips and pelvis).
  8. Exhale and return back to center (stay at a 45-degree angle).
  9. Inhale and work to rotate to the left, go as far as you can without rolling onto one hip or rounding your spine.
  10. Repeat this 5 to 20 rep each direction.
  11. Try this move with our mini ball behind your back for 10x the core activation.

Oblique Weighted Twist Core Driver Exercise Mother Trucker yoga Blog Post

Driver Exercises #3 – Plank Oblique Twist

Prep Time: 1 Minute

Total Exercise Time: 30 Seconds – 3 Minutes

  1. Start on your hands and knees on the sleeper, ground, or your floor at home.
  2. Drop to your forearms and place your elbows and fists a forearm’s width apart.
  3. Step one foot back at a time until your body is in one straight line.
  4. Press your fists into the floor to help activate your core.
  5. Drop your tailbone between your legs and press your lower abs and hip bones into your lower back.
  6. Draw your shoulders back and breathe.
  7. Now rotate your hips and lower body to the right.
  8. Press your hips up slightly to activate your obliques.
  9. Hold for 5-20 breaths, then repeat the opposite side.

Plank Oblique Twist Driver Exercise for the core Truckers Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Post

Driver Exercises #4 – Plank Oblique Twist

Prep Time: 1 Minute

Total Exercise Time: 30 Seconds – 3 Minutes

  1. Start by lying down on your sleeper, the ground, or the floor.
  2. Adjust your pelvis so it’s level, do not press your lower back into the floor, imagine a small arch in your lower back.
  3. Draw your legs up to a tabletop position (optional: put a mini ball or pillow between the knees and squeeze for more stability) and flex your feet (you can opt to keep your feet on the ground OR do a few reps with one leg, and then switch to the other).
  4. Grab your weight (optional) and extend it up overhead. Turn the folds of your elbows towards your nose (shoulders move in external rotation).
  5. Inhale and exhale, work to stabilize your core, remember only go as far as you can keep your back and ribs from arching and pulling up towards the ceiling.
  6. Inhale, and begin to lower your legs towards the floor and your arms overhead.
  7. Reach through your fingers to stretch the shoulders.
  8. Exhale and draw your arms back up and knees back up over your hips.
  9. Repeat this 10 – 30 times moving mindfully with your breath. This is not a race.
  10. To make this more of a challenge (as long as you can keep your back from arching) once your heels meet 1 inch off the floor, press your legs long and engage your glutes and inner thighs.
  11. You go this!

Weighted core full extension truck driver exercises mother trucker yoga blog post

weighted core full extension Driver exercise mother trucker yoga blog post

Strengthening your core is extremely important regardless of your physical state or your age. When implemented correctly, you can experience a decreased risk of injury, better stability, and performance during workouts. A strong core improves the quality of life for everyone and reduces the chances of severe injury.

Age, mobility restrictions, or past injuries shouldn’t prevent you from strengthening your core. You can get all these benefits by performing these exercises safely and effectively. Focus on proper breathing and posture first and ditch the sit-ups. You’re bound to notice better balance and stability and may even see a reduction in back pain. But they won’t do anything for you unless you allow yourself to start today with 5 minutes of simple core work. 

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10 Tips for a Functional Body


Did you know that there are over 7 million truck drivers on our roads? Sadly, truckers are one of the unhealthiest populations in our country. The long work hours, little to no time to rest or stretch throughout the day, and the obvious requirement of sitting for long hours on end do not help matters much. These forces work against drivers maintaining a functional body, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Yoga has been around for nearly 5,000 years. Yoga is comprised of different poses that help different parts of the body. Most people start to incorporate yoga, or other mindful movements, into their daily routine in order to benefit themselves both mentally and physically. 

It isn’t a secret that life on the road as a trucker isn’t easy. Deadlines quickly become the priority and your health and overall well-being takes a backseat. BUT you don’t need a gym or a yoga studio to stay healthy. There are many things that you can do to help keep your body functional and healthy while on the road. 

Here are 4 changes you can start to make today to start living life on the healthier side of the highway. Get a functional body in no time!


  1. Do Something While You Are Driving!

    Now please don’t take this the wrong way. Safety should ALWAYS be your #1 priority. However, if you can multitask while driving I encourage you to do it. Get the most out of the time you have by utilizing hand weights, resistance bands or mindful breathing exercises while driving. Better yet, tune into Mother Trucker Yoga’s Yoga in Seat Guided Audio that guides you through simple exercises to help keep your body and mind limber, happy and healthy while on the road.
  2. Move

    How many trucks have ever considered yoga? Probably not many. It’s ok–believe it or not, I’m not shocked. However, yoga is for everyone–truckers included. Truck drivers sit all day, have limited movement opportunities, incur broken sleep patterns, and have added stressors that continually take a toll on their bodies. There are also limited resources available to them to make the changes they know they need to make. Incorporating yoga movements will help you to increase wholeness and wellness. If you are looking for a starting point, the Mother Trucker Yoga Online Studio only costs $7.99/month and you will receive professional, inspiring, functionally-safe classes accessible wherever you go. 
  3. Shed Your Shoes

    After a long day on the road, take off your shoes! Our bodies are like rubber bands; the tighter a rubber band gets on one end, the more it will pull on the other end. If our fascia becomes stiff, the more we feel that sticky stiffness in our bodies. So what I’m saying is: if your hips are tight, your feet will react, and if your feet are tight, your hips will react. Get the point? So in the end, shed those shoes! And if you suffer from foot pain, know that pain relief is not far.
  4. Strengthen Your Core

    Your core muscles to help support you in everything that you do. Strengthening your core helps to improve your posture, decreases lower back pain, and improves your overall stability and posture. As the creator of the Core Functional Fitness Program, I have over a decade of experience teaching and practicing functionally fit exercise. 


Making these small changes today will lead to a lifetime of benefits, both physically and mentally. Don’t waste any more time–start today and work on your functional body!


Here are some other great resources to help you get started:

Smart Ass Core 20 Minute Workout Video

Attention Truckers: Step It Up with Interval Walking

Pelvic Tilts: Best Move for Truckers with Back Pain

7 Little Changes Drivers Can Make To Improve Their Health

Choosing Healthy Food On The Road


Choosing healthy fuel for your body is hard for anyone. It is even harder for truck drivers who are constantly on the road for days or even weeks at a time. Choosing Healthy Food

Eating healthy starts with you saying to yourself, “I can do this.” It’s mind over matter.

Sure, it’s easy to stop at a diner, truck stop, or fast food restaurant to grab a bite to eat.  These places are quick and convenient AND they are EVERYWHERE! However, the majority of food at these places is high in calories, fat, and sodium–none of the things that are going to help you improve your health. Not only is this food pretty unhealthy, but it can also be expensive, too!

The good news is that YOU have the ability to choose what you put into your body. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated–it’s just a matter of choosing the RIGHT FOODS and a little planning. 

These FIVE snack ideas require a minimal amount or no preparation time at all. They are perfect for the busy trucker who is constantly on the road. 


1. Fruit


The possibilities are endless:

  • Apples
  • bananas
  • oranges
  • grapes
  • berries

Some fruit may require extra storage or preparation, however, it’s a super simple option that is readily available at most rest stops. And when you are worried about sugar, remember “berries are best”.


2. Vegetables


Vegetables are super easy options that require little to no prep time.

  • Carrots
  • celery
  • cucumbers
  • cherry tomatoes
  • peppers

Adding hummus to the mix also gives you an extra boost of protein which will help keep you feeling full for a longer period of time.


3. Hard-Boiled Eggs


Before you’re about to head out on the road, boil some eggs, peel them once they cool, and then wrap them in plastic wrap before putting them into a container. Right before it’s time to leave, load the container up with ice and throw it into a cooler. It’s that easy! BONUS: Don’t want to make them yourself? No worries. Most truck stops sell pre-cooked eggs in their refrigerated section.


4. Mixed Nuts


Nuts are nutritional powerhouses are packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. The best part: most places sell nuts that are pre-packaged and ready to go! No prep necessary! And when possible look for raw, and watch the salt content in some mixes.


5. Protein/Energy Bars


Choose a brand that has whole grains, is high in protein and fiber, has a low amount of sugar and is in the moderate calorie range. Protein/Energy bars are available almost anywhere you stop so they are another great grab and go option! Stay away from brands like Cliff or Luna as they are made with soy. We love Enduro Bites made in Colorado, and SoLo Glycemic Nutrition Bar, and my favorite the GFB – Gluten Free Bar


Choosing healthy food on the road takes practice, but the benefits are definitely worth it! 


Here are some other great recipes for you to try!

Healthy and Simple Recipes for Truckers

The Best Healthy Trucker Travel Lunch Recipe

The Best Granola Recipe: Truckers Travel Breakfast

Egg in a Basket (Egg in an Avocado)

Easy Mongolian Beef Made on the Truck



StayFit Days with TA Petro and Mother Trucker Yoga

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StayFit this year! 2020 is here and we are sure goals for this year are rolling alongside the new decade! Mother Trucker Yoga together with TA Petro want to help you reach them by coming to you.

We at Mother Trucker Yoga would like to invite you to join our CEO Hope Zvara as she joins TA Petro as their 2020 StayFit Ambassador for the new year!

What does this mean?

It means Hope is coming to you at various TA Petro tuck stop locations throughout 2020 offering one-to-one coaching and various trucker fitness centered workshops. And these offerings are 100% free.

“At Mother Trucker Yoga we believe that this is a step in the right direction. These truck stops have fitness amenities and they are under utilized. I believe you don’t get to complain about not having options if you aren’t using the options in front of you. But at the same time recognize the frustration when you don’t know where to start, and feel overwhelmed or even embarrassed (as many usually won’t admit) when it comes to taking advantage of these offerings.” – Hope Zvara, CEO of Mother Trucker Yoga

Join Hope for an hour workshop or hang out with her all day! You decide!

  • Wondering about the best food choices?
  • What exercises in the fitness center to start with?
  • What you can do to get rid of that pain in your butt, back or neck?
  • How to stretch?
  • Stress Relief?
  • What exercises you can do in your truck? She’s got you covered!
  • TA Petro and there StayFit programming offers you- the driver opportunities to improve your health. TA Petro has more than 20 locations with fitness centers and 120 sites with mapped walking trails.

StayFit Fitness Rooms are free to use for any driver. The following equipment is available for drivers any time of day:

  • Elliptical cross-trainer;
  • Recumbent bike;
  • Dual adjustable pulley resistance equipment or an adjustable sit-up board;
  • Weight scale;
  • Folding gym mat;
  • Shelving unit for storage of gym bags while working out; and
  • Wall-mount TVs and fans.

Mark your calendars for the next upcoming StayFit Days TA Petro locations Hope will be at during the first quarter of 2020.

Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 – Petro Wilmington #402

—–StayFit 1-Hour Workshops: 10am & 4:30pm

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020 – TA Las Vegas #108

—–SayFit 1-Hour Workshops: 12pm & 5pm

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020 – Petro Ontario #026

—–StayFit 1-Hour Workshops: 9am & 5pm

Share this Flyer HERE

These workshops and offerings are 100% FREE to drivers!

We hope to see you there!

Pelvic Tilts: Best Move for Truckers with Back Pain


When back pain is on the rise, Pelvic Tilts are here to save your back!

Pelvic tilts are an easy and very effective movement anyone and everyone can do, especially truck drivers when dealing with back pain.


I watched my father for years try to rearrange himself in his vehicle prior to his drive from Wisconsin to Indiana Sunday nights. He would be gone for the week and back hopefully on Friday night. 


I remember watching him try to adjust his seat. Those weird roller balls he had hanging over his seat. But mostly I remember his face when he would get (and out) of his vehicle anticipating that long drive or coming back from it. My father wasn’t a truck driver, but he laid sewer pipe for a living and drove all over the Midwest to do it. He lived in his little Horizon car. A 6’2” rough around the edges man tooling all over the open road to then climb down into the smallest, most dangerous spaces every single day. 


To say the least his body was his wrecking ball. Both on the drive and in the hole. But now in his 60’s, practicing a bit more self-care could have saved him one of his greatest assists…his body. 


I got into yoga nearly 20 years ago. And as I got older, I began to feel back pain of my own and realized that now more than ever I really needed to zone in on what works. And pinpoint movements that I could do within my daily life. Because time is precious and why not make the most of those in between moments. 


I believe that pelvic tilts are one of the fastest ways to reduce back pain and increase mobility. Plus, you can do them while you are driving. 

And the best part is drivers can do simple exercises just like this and then get out and stretch their legs. Afterwards, go into their favorite TA and take a look at the StayFIT Menu for a meal that is just perfect for them. The StayFIT Menu has dozens of healthy options on it made to order. So there is no need for fast food. Just another way to feel better, wherever you are. 


What are pelvic tilts?


Pelvic tilts are a super simple movement that asks you to tip the pelvis back and forward at varying degrees to help release tightness and also build resilience and strength in the pelvic area, lower back and abdomen.


Pelvic tilts are my #1 go to move for just about anyone with lower back pain. They are a simple yet effective exercise for those seeking back pain relief.  


As a truck driver time is of the essence. You have miles to get under your belt and a deadline to meet. So I like movements where you can double up. Moves that can be done safely while you are driving. 


While sitting many people struggle so much because their spine and pelvis sinks backwards into the seat. Taking their spine from an “S” curve, to a “C” curve, causing you back pain. And to further cause pain, that “S” curve is designed to help absorb impact, when you begin to lose that curve, pain begins to increase. 


Where can pelvic tilts be done?

  • Standing
  • Seated (in your truck)
  • Lying down (in the sleeper or on the floor)
  • On a large exercise ball 
  • In a Tabletop (all fours) position
  • In any of the Fitness Centers in the various TA’s located across the US.


Easy how-to pelvic tilts instructions:

  1. Sitting in the driver’s seat of your truck, sit upright and tall. 
  2. Notice your pelvis upright (sitting bones underneath you). 
  3. Take one nice full deep breath, in and out. 
  4. Inhale, and work to arch your lower back away from the truck seat (feel your belly drop forward). 
  5. Exhale draw your navel in and round your lower back towards the seat. 
  6. Inhale again and arch the back really exaggerating the arch and try to spread open your sitting bones underneath you and spilling your belly in-front of you. 
  7. Exhale and breathe out fully, rounding out your lower back. Imagine tucking your tail bone between your legs. 
  8. Repeat this for one to five minutes. As time goes on you should notice the stiffness dissolving and more mobility increasing. 

Pelvic Tilts Blog - Anterior Tilt

Pelvic Tilts Posterior Tilt Blog Post

Crossing Your Arms is Optional

I hear from many drivers it’s the discomfort while driving, but then those few minutes once they get out that they really notice the stiffness. And doing pelvic tilts regularly will dramatically help with that stiff feeling you get when getting out of the truck. 


Remember to breathe!


In anything that you do breathing is essential. The average person breathes 21-24,000 times per day. Imagine what merely tuning into your breath could do for stress, anxiety, fatigue, and yes, reducing physical pain. 


Shallow breathing can be linked to fatigue, dizziness, and anxiety. But it can also make using your physical body more challenging. Muscles need oxygen, breathing makes that possible. 


You’re Using Your Core Incorrectly

When you engage your abdominal muscles, make sure to focus and really engage them. Don’t just push your belly out or suck it in as you perform the movement. You’ll feel deeper muscles (transverse abdominus) working once you’ve fully engaged your core. Still not sure if your core is kicking in? Take a moment and with your hands on your waist cough and feel your core muscles contract as you do so. 


Need a Modification?

There are several ways you can practice pelvic tilts.

When you are laying down ready to go to bed, bend your knees and practice pelvic tilts. Inhale and work to arch your back away from the bed like there is a pin behind your lower back. Exhale and press the pin into the bed without lifting your hips. 


You can also try this standing. Either lean against the wall with your feet angled out. Or standing, bend your knees and plant your hands on your knees bracing yourself. Now move through the pelvic tilt sequence several times.


While standing and kneeling pelvic tilts can be a little more of a challenge, they’re a better option for people who are pregnant or unable to lie on their backs.


Always check in

As always, check with your doctor before starting or intensifying a workout routine, especially if you have conditions, injuries, or are healing from surgery involving your neck, spine, abdomen, or pelvis. And if you are wanting to lie down and practice pelvic tilts, check out one of TA’s various indoor fitness centers available to you along with other great health and fitness options through TA-Petro’s StayFit menu. Just don’t forget your mat! 


Why this works

Trucking can wreak havoc on many drivers bodies, particularly your lower back. Long-term sitting and poor posture is a recipe for many drivers leaving them with pain, stiffness and unwanted injury not because they didn’t exercise. But because they weren’t moving the body enough during the day. 


Pelvic tilts are an easy movement that keeps the lower back and hips mobile, increases circulation in those areas and reduces stiffness when you get out of the truck. And practices like yoga are a great way to help decrease the effects of back pain and stiffness many drivers are struggling with. 


Try It Out

Pelvic tilts can be done anytime, anywhere. No need for fancy equipment. No need for a gym membership or a personal trainer. All you need is your body, driver’s seat and an intention to move the body more. 


Making the commitment to insert just a little more movement into your day will make a big difference when you do it consistently. Every move counts. And it’s about the consistency. Can you see yourself doing this regularly as you drive? While you are laying down in the sleeper before you go to bed? Wherever you are. 


This simple move could be the difference between you throwing your back out, you getting out of the truck stiff and immobile for three minutes while you try to go from sitting position to standing. Pelvic tilts could be the one simple change that you make that takes you down the road to an improved routine of your personal self-care. 


Where do you see pelvic tilts fitting into your day? 

I challenge you to add them in today.

Want to learn more?

Join Hope with Mother Trucker Yoga, alongside TA-Petro and St. Christopher Truckers Fund for all things truckers and health at participating TA-Petros this week and throughout the month of September!

Check out Travel Centers of America’s Facebook Page for details on each of the upcoming events!