Mother Trucker Yoga Driver Spotlight Dean Key
We are continuing our Truck Driver Appreciation Spotlight. And we are so excited to feature another fantastic driver!
Each of the drivers we feature has been interviewed about their lives to help others see how unique and hard trucking is. And today is another significant share!
It’s our truck drivers who keep our great country running strong. Many of these men and women go unnoticed, not because they aren’t important, but because what they do doesn’t live in a fancy building or doesn’t require a cap and gown.
Our driver being spotlighted today started as in our Your Wellness Pitstop Program over a year ago because he wanted to improve his life, and now he has become a personal friend and is one hell of a driver!
Meet Dean Key!
On Facebook & Insta, you can find him as Dean.key.67
And on Snapchat, Dean is known as lazerdino67
QUESTION 1: How long have you been driving?
Answer: Dean has been driving for 37 years! That’s a lot! WOW!
QUESTION 2: What do you love most about being a truck driver?
Answer: Driving those trucks and seeing the country!
ATA Names 36 Professional Drivers as Finalists for 2022-23 America’s Road Team
American Trucking Associations released the list of 36 professional truck drivers named as finalists for the 2022-2023 term of America’s Road Team.
“These men and women were selected as finalists for America’s Road Team because they have outstanding safe driving records, share a passion for the trucking industry, and are role models among their peers,” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear. “We owe these professional drivers our gratitude. Without them the American economy would come to a halt.”
America’s Road Team, a group of professional truck drivers with superior safety records, was created in 1986 to represent the trucking industry and is sponsored by Volvo Trucks. With support from their companies, captains dedicate a few days each month to attend industry events, speak at schools, or meet policymakers on behalf of the trucking industry.
For a list of all the finalists, you can visit ATA’s website for more information on America’s Road Team.
But Dean is a family man. He loves his wife Lori and spending time with his grandkids! We love that about you, Dean!
QUESTION 3: Trucking is hard. Why do you keep on trucking?
Answer: Love them trucks! And, it’s pretty hard to replace the money.
QUESTION 4: What do you want to say to new upcoming drivers in the industry?
QUESTION: What is your favorite truck stop?
Answer: Dean is a fan of the Kwik Trip/Kwik Stars. They are nice and clean, and they carry a nice variety of grocery store items.
Dean, as a gal from Wisconsin, I couldn’t agree more! #kwiktripforlife
QUESTION 7: What would make trucking easier for you and other drivers?
ANSWER: If ALL drivers would respect and be kind to each other.
Kindness is such an excellent tool for overall happiness in our lives! Dean, great advice!

That is excellent advice, and did you know Mother Trucker Yoga is teaming up with various players in the trucking industry to help streamline health and wellness for drivers! Make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter to get up-to-date information.
QUESTION 8: What do you do, if anything, to try to stay healthy on the road?
ANSWER: I park in the back of the truck stop, and right now, I’m trying to cook in my truck, walk more and stretch more. I’m also trying to quit drinking soda and eating processed foods that are my biggest weakness.
Driver Tip:
Bringing food with you can seem daunting. But start small. What snacks and non-perishable foods can you travel with? Unsalted, raw nuts, seeds mixed with a small handful of dried fruits is a delicious way to stay complete with limited space on your truck. Are you worried about overeating? Prepackaged those nuts and seeds in snack-size bags or containers, so you don’t overeat out of boredom or stress.
Dean had a final thought he wanted everyone to know.
There is tons of negativity in our world today and in the trucking industry. You have to shake it off, make up your mind, and roll with it. Trucking has been good to me and many others. As with anything, it is what you make of it!
Please share with us!
What do you like most about the trucking industry?
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Mother Trucker Yoga® wants to help 1 million drivers change lanes in their health and fitness by 2031.
To get involved with Mother Trucker Yoga’s mission and help drivers just like you incorporate driver fitness into their lives. Contact us!
Read our other Driver Spotlights:
VW Lady Trucker
Flatbed Foodie
Marc Iverson
Idella Hansen
Jame “Sweet Pea”